The series “Al Saayda Gebal Al Sabr” starts filming next February.

  • News
  • 01:57 AM - 2 January 2012
  • 1 photo

Director Hussni Saleh will commence filming the scenes of his new series “Al Saayda Gebal Al Sabr” starting February, as soon as producer Mohamed Fawzi completes his contracts with the remaining cast. Hussni stated that the name “Hegret Al Saayda” that has been circulating amongst the media recently was only a temporary name, the final decision has been taken to make the name “Al Saayda Gebal Al Sabr” where the name matches the events of the series.The series depicts the period of the forties and fifties, where it portrayed the poor neighborhoods and the difference between “the sheriff” who was meant to protect it and the thug who imposed royalties on the people living in the neighborhood.Hussni stated that most of the scenes will be outdoor scenes of scenes shot outside the studio in areas like Siwa, Alexandria, Cairo and Upper Egypt.

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