Singer Amr Mustafa orchestrates a debate concerning the army, police and SCAF on his face book page

  • News
  • 09:40 PM - 5 January 2012
  • 1 photo

In a unique attempt, singer Amr Mustafa (well known for his support to the SCAF and army) orchestrated a debate on his face book page. The debate was made up of 3 questions and you are required to answer either with a comment or by pressing the “like” icon available on face book. His first question was: If you hate the SCAF write a comment and if you like it press like. For this one he achieved 1940 likes and 92 comments.The second question was: Those of you who hate police write a comment and those who don’t press like. For this one he achieved 1626 likes and 62 comments. The third question was: Those of you who hate the Egyptian army write a comment and those of you who don’t press like. For this one he achieved 51 comments and 2153 likes. Amr concluded his survey by saying that everyone his group had a chance to express themselves in a democracy. God bless Egypt, its army, its police and its youth.

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