Rania Youssef announces her marriage to an Egyptian business man

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  • 06:16 PM - 7 January 2012
  • 1 photo

Egyptian young actress Rania Youssef recently announced ehr engagement to Egyptian business man Amr El Shabrawi. Rania expressed her sincere happiness in this relationship.She also refused to give out any details about the relationship whether how they met or when their expected marriage will take place. Rania added that she does not want the media to be part of that special relationship in her life. Rania had been divorced before from producer Mohamed Mokhtar 4 months ago, after a marriage that lasted a couple of years. Her most recent movie was "One Whole One" or "Wahed Saheeh" written by Tamer Habib and directed by Hady El Bagoory.

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