Setting up a New Film market along side the 21st Cairo International Festival of Cinema for Children

  • News
  • 05:25 PM - 12 January 2012
  • 2 photos

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The committee of the 21st Cairo International Festival of Cinema for Children - which is to be held on 23 March 2012, commenced its first meeting during the last month to discuss the achievements, preparation procedures and developing visions of the Festival management.The committee discussed the proposal from the Festival Management about supporting the Children's film industry in Egypt and the Arabic World by setting up a market for it side by side to the Festival. The committee researched the mechanism of setting up this market considering its importance and has also reviewed the films participating in the Festival which are considered to be a surprise for many since the Festival is now an Adult which is clearly stated by the number, content and the countries participating this year. The Judging and Viewing Committees shall include young cinematic representatives to benefit from their experience and add a young spirit to the Festival this year. This committee which was formed by the previous Minister of Culture in 19 November 2011 has under its membership: Dr. Nadia Kholi – Head of the National Center for Children's Culture and Festival President, Mrs. Mervat Morsi – Children's Culture General Manager and Festival's Assistant-Secretary General, Children's books writer Yaqoub Elsharouni, poet Shawqi Hegab, Mrs. Atteya Khairy, Mrs Nadra Zaki – Director of UNICEF Child Protection Programme, Dr. Shahira Khalil – Editor of "Samir" children magazine, Dr. Dina Amin – English Language Professor in Cairo University, Dr. Sherif Kadous and finally Scenarist Walid Kamal.

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