Aziz Al Shafee's new album released on 25 Jan.

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  • 10:37 AM - 18 January 2012
  • 1 photo

Singer and Musician Aziz Al Shafee announced that his new album " Rage'" will be released on 25 Jan. He said that this date was not what he had planned for, as the album was delayed by the Control Department on Music Works because of his single "Lamma El Watan Yithoor". The album was finally approved by Control Manager Dr. Sayed Khattab. This delay took two months from the planned date for releasing the album, so Aziz thought that 25 Jan seemed a perfect date to launch his album.The song that was first disapproved by the Control Department attacks the former President Hosni Mobarak and names him as a traitor and also condemns the National Party extensively. The album has 9 songs that summarize the events that happened in Egypt lately and is considered to be an immortalization of the revolution.

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