Sandy is as corrupted as her father!

  • News
  • 02:28 PM - 20 January 2012
  • 2 photos

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In her role in the new TV show "Ibn El Nizam", Tunisian actress plays a spoiled daughter of a corrupted minister in the former Egyptian regim. The daughter is as corrupted as her father when she manipulates another minister's son into getting engaged to her where she uses this relationship to achieve her personal goals while she knows he is not in love with her. Sandy has just finished shooting her role with director Ahmed Al Nahhas in the new series "Al Khafafeesh"."Ibn El Nizam" is a social political comedy and its about the economical circumstances that lead to poverty and how the men in the National Party took advantage of it and build their fortunes of millions.Hani Ramzy also stars in the series, where he plays a public figure's son but his life is turned up-side-down after 25 Jan. The series is written by Hamdi Yousef and directed by Ashraf Salem.

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