Ali Al Hagar celebrates on 25 Jan with a new album

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  • 01:34 PM - 25 January 2012
  • 1 photo

With his second album about the Egyptian revolution, singer Ali Al Hagar released today his new album "Dehkit Watan" and dedicated it to the souls of the martyrs and injured. The celebration of this new album took place in Sakiet El Sawi according to "Al Shorouk".Al Hagar said he has 8 songs, three of them written by Nasser Rashwan, and music by Ahmed Al Hagar, Khalil Mostafa and Ahmed Hamdi Raoof which he dedicated for Sheikh Emad Effat "Basmet El Azhar", Mina Danile "Ahlam Baseeta" and for the girl that was dragged in the street "Sitt El Hosn"He also said that he is ready to make any concert to celebrate the first anniversary of the revolution even if it was by the Army as it is the right time to reconcile with them especially when they are supporting the revolution.

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