Gamal Sulliman completes inspecting the locations for “Sayedna El Sayed”

  • News
  • 09:14 PM - 28 January 2012
  • 3 photos

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Gamal Sulliman recently completed inspecting the locations for his new series that will start filming during the second week of February called “Sayedna El Sayed”. The series is scheduled to play during Ramadan 2012.Gamal had travelled to Suhag along with Medhat El Adl, director Islam Khairy and director of production Ahmed Farouk to inspect some of locations and choose the best for filming. Some of the locations include Luxor, Suhag and Kena.The series is written by Yasser Abdel Rahman Ahmed and produced by Gamal El Adl and it stars many famous celebrities.

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