The Air Strike is behind Ali Abd El Khaleq's withdraw.

  • News
  • 10:38 PM - 29 January 2012
  • 1 photo

A film by Mamdouh Al Laithy about the preparations and military details of the 6th of October war that took place starting October 1972 till the Air Strike at 12:00 am. The story shows that the real heroes behind the war are Anwar El Sadat and Minister of War Musheer Ismail . However, according to director Ali Abd El Khaleq, the name of the film "Wa badaat Al Darbah Algaweya - The Air Strike", gives the impression that it is about the former president Hosni Mubarak since he has convinced many people for a long time that he is the real hero behind the famous Air Strike. Ali had to apologize and not direct the film since he assumed the demonstrators might feel that the scenes showing Hosni Mubarak as war hero were cancelled after the revolution, which it did not happen, according to his interview with "Roza El Youssef". Ali fears that some might say he is a follower and does what the people want only so he apologized and he tried to convince Al Laithy to change the name of the film to be "Hadath fee October - Happened in October", but Al Laithy refused saying that it is catchy and suitable for a film.

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