"Xtreme" celebrates Valentine's with a variety of singers.

  • News
  • 03:45 PM - 2 February 2012
  • 2 photos

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On Tuesday 14 Feb, "Xtreme" Co. is organizing a Valentine's day celebration in Ahmed Orabi on Suez Rd. at 5:30 pm.The celebration will have Zizi Adel, Haitham Saeed, Islam, Akmal and Ahmed El Attar. Zizi will be singing many of her songs like "Tab Wana Mali" and "Helm Walla Elm". As for Haitham Saeed, he will be singing from his last album "Le Emta" and Islam will be singing his last hit "Ezzay" and he will be releasing a new song in the celebration. Akmal will also sing a few songs from his last album and Ahmed El Attar will song his previous Valentine's song "Ayami Ellee Gaya".

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