Sandy refuses advertising for a cosmetic company because they recommend appearing semi-naked

  • News
  • 05:40 AM - 13 February 2012
  • 1 photo

The Tunisian singer Sandy declared to that she refused advertising for one of the huge cosmetics company because they asked her to appear semi-naked, the thing that she totally refuses.Moreover she took advantage of changing the decorations of her new "Ibn Nezam" and traveled to Dubai for a whole week in order to make some shopping and buy some clothes that matches with the new character she presents.It is expected to continue shooting right after returning back.Sandy plays the role of a spoiled daughter of one of the corrupt ministers in the previous regime. She hardly works on imposing to one of the ministers son in order to force him for proposal. She heads to use this engagement to achieve her goals in spite of knowing that he doesn't love her.The series is written by Hamdy youssef and directed by Ashraf Salem. The events revolve in socio-political comedy template which discusses the economic conditions of the country. We find two different categories of people: the poor and National Party men who controled and monopolized the Egyptian economy to increase their wealth to billions.

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