South Korea invades Cairo International Festival of Cinema for Children.

  • News
  • 02:01 PM - 22 February 2012
  • 3 photos

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With ten films, South Korea participates in the Cairo International Festival of Cinema for Children in its 21st run all from the production of 2011. The films are mainly education and aims to teach the children many morals and ethics in an attractive and exciting method. "Dancing Cat" directed by Yun Ki-hyoung and is 76 min and 16 sec long, is about the poet Lee Yong Han who becomes interested in cats after he bumps into a homeless one. He starts to watch the cats in his neighborhood, names each one of them and monitors their daily lives and takes many pictures of them. "The Monkey King" directed by Hong Yun Pieu and is 5 min and 30 sec long, talks about every person's right in the freedom of speech. He expressing that by showing how free the birds are in flying, and how the animals feel when they first learn to stand on their legs. But then the film shows how the birds and the animals are banned from this freedom. Another film by Hong Yun Pieu is "The Tortoise and the Hare" which teaches the children the importance of cooperation and helping each other rather than fighting."We Need No Fence" directed by Juan Mi Yong and is 15 min and 3 sec, is teaches the children to care about the environment and how it affects our life. It tells a story of a wolf who builds a fence around the animals' village and does not allow anyone in. The animals are annoyed but when a fire catches the wolf's house they all work together to put the fire down but after it burnt down the fence. Another film by Juan Mi Yong is "Beautiful Weather" is 6 min and 14 sec and it teaches the children how the weather changes.

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