The crises of marking the Egyptian and Tunisian movies in Luxor Festival

  • News
  • 08:19 AM - 23 February 2012
  • 3 photos

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Yesterday a press conference for arbitrating feature films was held in Luxor International Festival for African Cinema. The conference included the member of festival jury , the Tunisian star "Hind Sabry" who discussed the difficulty that North Africa countries "Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria" faces in publishing their movies to Egypt and other countries justifying that by Egyptian cinema satisfaction and the Egyptians refuse to any language different that theirs. She hoped that the Tunisian producers be able to market their movies in Egypt. One the other side, the director Mohamed Khan explained that Egypt's cinema Industry problem is the inability of exposing our movies to Europe and depending on the external financing in order to provide excellent workIn its first session, Luxor International Festival for African Cinema included 17 long feature movie, 25 short feature movie, 17 movie under the panorama of African cinema, 5 movies under the name of "Ganoub Misr", 9 movies in the official program outside the competition in addition to "Ard Al Khouf" for the director Dawood Abdel Sayed.

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