Bullets Over Broadway" converts into a musical playwright

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  • 11:49 AM - 24 February 2012
  • 1 photo

20 years has passed since Woody Allen's 1994 film "Bullets Over Broadway" explored a great success,to we find him now working on a musical adaptation of the film in Broadway. After Woody finishes shooting his new movie and writing his new musical script, Aronson will produce yhis new musical experience which will be Broadway's premiere tentatively slated for 2013 . "Bullets Over Broadway" tells the story of an aspiring young playwright newly arrived on Broadway in 1920’s New York. He looks forward to produce one of his scripts but he doesn't find any producer except for a gangster who wants his telentless girlfriend to play the master role.The "Bullets Over Broadway" is starring John Cusack, Chazz Palminteri and Jennifer Tilly, Dianne Wiest who won an Oscar for the best supporting actress. The film acheived a huge success and was nominated 6 times for an Oscar Award, moreover Woody Allen was nominated as well as best director having a new nomination this year for film "Midnight in Paris".

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