Jordan scores with the highest number of films participating in the Cairo International Film Festival for Children

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  • 07:01 PM - 25 February 2012
  • 1 photo

To be held between the 23rd and 30th of March 2012, the 21st Cairo International Film Festival for Children witnesses a generous participation from Arabic Countries that reached 12 films from five countries which are Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Algeria.Jordan has the highest number of participating films with a total of 6 that their main idea was the revolutions that happened in the Arab world recently and has affected the whole world. "Al Tareeq Ela Aldeemoqrateya – The Road to Democracy" directed by Ashraf hamdi and handles the Tunisian revolution. Director Ashraf Magdi has three films in the festival, the first is "Roda Dajajatee – Return my Chicken" which talks about the conflict between the political parties that leads to forgetting the interest of the country and the second "Fe El Taboor – In Line" which talks about how a man spends his life and his after death standing in a line. The thrid film "Kish Mat – Check Mate" talks about the Egyptian as a chess game. As for director Tareq El Remawi, he participates with a film about a young boy that lives in an area torn apart by war and is eager to go back to his safe and secure past life. Saudi Arabia has two films in the festival: "Resalat Malek – A King's Message" and "Yawmeyat Simsim – Simsim's Diaries". Tunisia has two films as well: "Omat Ketab – A Book's Nation" directed by Mohamed Al Buraq, and "Kawkabuna Al Aziz Al Ard- Earth, our dear planet" directed by Nour Al Hoda Al Buraq. Algeria is participating with one film, "Al Sayyad Wa Al Thaby – The Hunter and The Deer".As for Palestine, it is participating with "Samet – Silent" directed by Moayad Olayan and is about "Shady" a boy who is depressed after the loss of his father. His friend "Deema" consults her grandmother to see how she can help him, and the grandmother suggests they go to Mar Elyas Convent in Jerusalem.

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