If it wasn't for the dedication of "John Carter" to the late Steve Jobs, then no one would realize how much he has given to the animation film industry as much as he has given to the tech industry."John Carter" the action-adventure by director Andrew Stanton which will be released on 9 March; was dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs, the legendary found of "Apple". In the press conference of "John Carter", Stanton was asked for the reason behind this dedication, he explained that Jobs was one of the founders of Pixar, the animation production that changed the way the world looks at cartoons and he was its Chief Executive for years then board member after its merger with Disney.Stanton who is considered one of the great directors of Pixar, after all he is behind the Oscar winning films "Finding Nemo" and "Wall-E" added that Pixar was a family member for Steve and if it wasn't for him and his unique vision, then Pixar wouldn't have been one of the most important and legendary film production companies now.Stanton also added that every time he was asked as to how Pixar has emerged and developed through the years, he would simply say "Steve, Steve's why"!