Dana Hamdan is ready to join the Egyptian drama stars but without her two sisters Mai and Mais.

  • News
  • 01:07 AM - 6 March 2012
  • 4 photos

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After her first and successful experience in drama acting with the Emarati series “Wadeema” last year, Dana Hamdan is ready to participate in a new Egyptian series this year. Dana is currently in Cairo to finalize the agreement on the series with the producers and study all details related to it. She has denied that her two sisters Mai Selim and Mais Hamdan will be joining her in her first experience in the Egyptian drama.Dana has just finished shooting her new program “Arabeyat – Arab Ladies” where she presents real stories of very successful women from the Arab society and how each one of them succeeded in her own field. The program was shot in Abu Dhabi and will be soon released to Arabic satellite channels. This is Dana’s second show after doing “Zaffa” last year with Dubai TV.

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