Marwa Nasr celebrates her engagement and marriage at the same time

  • News
  • 01:58 AM - 18 March 2012
  • 5 photos

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Last Thursday witnessed the marriage celebration of the distributor and producer Mohamed Alaam to Marwa Nasr the super star of "Star Academy" musical show in a villa at "Hadayek El Ahram " compound.A number of musical and artistic celebrities attended the ceremony like: WAMA musical band, Shaza, Karim Mohsen, Essaf, Reem EL Baroudy, Menna Fadaly, Inas EL Naggar, Sewar, Safa Tag Eldin, Nader Nour, Haitham Saeed, Captain Khaled Bibo, Shekabala, Amr Zaki, Hisham Yakin and others.It was surprising that the presence were invited to an engagement celebration to find themselves attending an engagement and a marriage celebration at the same time.During the ceremony, Marwa Nasr has changed three dresses each for a different occasion. The first one was an engagement beige dress while the second was a white dress for attending the marriage contract and the last one was the wedding white dress.The celebration was revived by WAMA musical band, Amr Diab, Karim Mohsen, Hoda. As soon as the celebration finished, the two couples flew to Turkey in order to spend their honey moon

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