Jean-Pierre Dardenne President of Cannes Cinéfondation and Short Film Jury.

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  • 01:31 PM - 28 March 2012
  • 2 photos

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He is not a stranger to Cannes awards, and he is for sure one of the best directors in the history of Cannes International Film Festival. Belgian director Jean-Pierre Dardenne was chosen to preside over Cannes Cinéfondation and Short Film Jury which consists of five members: Canadian actress Arsinee Khanjian, Brazilian director and screenwriter Karim Ainouz, French writer, screenwriter and director Emmanuel Carrere and Chinese director and cinematographer Yu Lik-Wai. Jean and his brother Luke have won the Palme d'Or twice for their films "Rosetta" in 1999 and "The Child" in 2005. And by winning last year's Cannes Grand Prize for "The Kid With A Bike"; Jean was chosen to head the judging committee for two of the most important categories of Cannes. Cinéfondation calls out film school students and awards the best three films with 15000 Euro, 11250 Euro and 7500 Euro respectively and the Short Film category is known to discover many young and talented directors. The 65th run of Cannes is taking place from 16 to 27 May 2012.

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