"Shaheen the Falcon" resumes filming in a Max replica in MPC

  • News
  • 03:36 AM - 3 April 2012
  • 1 photo

Director Abd El-Azeez Hashad has established a replica for Max quarter in Alexandria in Media Production City (MPC) in preparation for many scenes of the TV show "Shaheen the Falcon" to be filmed."Shaheen the falcon" is written by Islam Youssef, stars Tayem Hassan, Rania Farid Shawky, Sherin Adel, Ahmed Rateb, Ahmed Khaleel, Ahmed Zaher, Mohamed Abd El-Hafez, Hussam Shaaban and Tarek Abd El-Azeez, produced for Television by King Toot Company.When asked about the reason for that, he said that it was hard to risk filming the scenes in pop areas in Alexandria given the critical security conditions, so they decided to set the whole decor elsewhere.Interior designer Adel El Maghraby managed all the decorations and painted an exact live picture of the quarter including public cafes for fishermen and their homes alongside the popular Max streets.He's currently filming these scenes using highly sophisticated technology to portray the background of the Mediterranean sea, mixing interior filming with exterior.Hashad added that he has already finished filming 4 hours and a half of the show, and right after finishing the scenes of Max quarter, he will wrap up other interior scenes before traveling to Alexandria.Hashad also mentioned that he chose a village opposite to the Nile in Minya to film some scenes involving the return of the show's main character, Shaheen, to his village from Alexandria at one point during the show. The filming of these scenes are expected to last only for 10 days.

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