Abdel Fatah El Greeny participates in Kaftan Festival for the 1st time

  • News
  • 02:46 PM - 3 April 2012
  • 1 photo

Abdel Fatah El Greeny is attending a press conference in one of the biggest hotels in Morocco to announce his participation in the annual Kaftan festival for fashion design. The festival presents the latest in Moroccan fashion lines for top designers.Abdel Fatah's participation is something unprecedented as never before a singer has worked the stage of the festival other than the models for the défilé.As an exception Abel Fatah will sing alongside the models participating in the défilé after being named "Character of the year" in Morocco.The festival is held every year in May, funded by King Mohamed the 6th, and all the proceeds go to Girls' education Association in Morocco.

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