Samo Zein is a busy releasing a new album and touring!

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  • 03:36 PM - 4 April 2012
  • 1 photo

Syrian singer Samo Zein is living a very active and busy phase at the moment as he has signed on four concerts and at the same time he will be releasing his new album "Al Ward Al Ahmar – Red Roses" on 25 April. Samo's new album was due to be released by the beginning of 2012 but it was postponed more than once.Samo will be having his first concert in Porto Sokhan on 16 April as part of the Spring Holidays celebration. Then, he will be heading off to Iraq for two concerts in Arbil on 27 and 28 April for the launch of the new perfume "BB Berlin" where he is the commercial face for. Last, he will be in Dubai for a concert in Media City on 11 May.Also, Samo is in the process of signing a tour in the States and Canada during next September.

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