Nour El Sherif to the rescue

  • News
  • 01:57 PM - 6 April 2012
  • 1 photo

The cast of "Arafa and the Sea", the new TV show starring Nour El sherif, witnessed one of the most stressful of times in recent history, as the young Radwa Abou Shady almost drowned after falling off a boat in the middle of the sea and hit the rocks injuring herself in Max quarter in Alexandria, and would've drowned if it wasn't for Nour El Sherif's efforts to save her. Radwa plays the daughter of Ahmed Bedeer in the show."Arafa and the sea" is written by Mohamed El Safty and directed by Ahmed Medhat, and will be aired next Ramadan. The show is about "Arafa" who owns a a number of fishing boats among other extracurricular activities. His success makes him a target for most and causes him trouble as he stands for what's right

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