Mervat Amin's new drama starts filming the middle of next month

  • News
  • 08:42 PM - 6 April 2012
  • 1 photo

Cairo Sound for Audio and Visuals company decided that there's a 90 % chance Mervat Amin's new drama is out of the Ramadan saga.However, that didn't affect their and Adel Qotb's (director) decision to start filming the middle of next month as a precaution to be ready whenever the company decides to promote it. The agreement is to start preparing for the filming from now until Mervat Amin is done with her obligations for the TV show "The bats", as she is currently starring in one of its stories.The show is still untitled till now. Other actors like Haggag Abd El-Azeem, Lotfy Labib and Gihan Fadel are also featured in it.

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