Director Ridley Scott is negotiating with star Angelina Jolie for a small role in his upcoming film "The Counselor". Since the role consists of a few scenes to suit Angelina's busy schedule, both director and actress are hoping to reach an agreement. Ridley will start filming in a few weeks and is setting a time schedule on which Angelina will decide if she's in or out. Angelina is prepping for her role in the Disney's "Maleficent" which shooting will start by the end of June."The Counselor" is adapted from a novel carrying the same title by Cormac McCarthy that wrote "No Country for Old Men" is about a lawyer who tries to get into the drug dealing business but his life flips up-side-down.Scott's leading role candidates are for Natalie Portman, Javier Bardem as the villain and Michael Fassbender whose the only one that has signed on the film.