Producer Mohamed Samir shares his editing knowledge in a training course.

  • News
  • 05:36 PM - 12 April 2012
  • 1 photo

“Day Dream” for Film Production announced that their training course about the Art of Editing shall start by the end of this month and that the last day of application is on 19 April. The training is an intensive 4 day course at the company’s headquarters in El Dokki Square, 7 Juhaina str.Producer, Editor and “Day Dream” owner Mohamed Samir is the trainer and aims to focus on the full task of the editor and the significance of this stage in the film making process. The training program handles all the core elements of the editing process and will give a fragmen about Russian editors, the six rules of editing and “Walter Mersch” three principles.On the other hand, “Day Dream” is preparing for their new film “Fatat El Masnaa –The Factory Girl” where shooting will start by the beginning of June and is directed by Mohamed Khan.

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