Madonna hits another record with her new album, but a negative one!

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  • 03:28 PM - 14 April 2012
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Only someone as unique as Madonna can hit such a record in the Album Sales History in the United States of America as her new album debuted at no.1 on the Billboard charts but plummet to last place in a week! By that it hit a record in being the fastest drop in album sales. Titled "MDNA", Madonna's new album sold 359,000 copies the first week of its release, and only 48,000 by the end of the same week. Many considered the album to be modest and it was severely attacked by critics and fans where Madonna was requested to stop singing if her songs will stoop that low. Hoping to raise the sales up a notch, Madonna announced a world-wide concert tour that will start in May.This will not be the first failure experience for the super star this year, as her first directorial experience was not a successful one in "W.E" which talks about the affair between King Edward VIII and American divorcée Wallis Simpson which ended up in him giving up his thrown to marry her.

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