Randa El Behery nominated for "Madraset El-Ahlam"

  • News
  • 08:11 AM - 17 April 2012
  • 1 photo

It was reported that director Adel Kotb has chosen Randa El-Behery in his new TV series "Madraset El Ahlam" or "School of dreams", in which she will play a school girl; however, Randa denied getting any call about the role.Mervat Amin, the lead actress in the series, is currently going through intensive script writing sessions with writer Ahmed Atta preparing for starting of the filming by the end of the month in Media Production City.The series is also starring Gihan Fadel, Lotfy Labib, Haggag Abdel-Azeem among others who are yet to be determined.Filming should've started by the end of March to be ready for Ramadan; however, it's now out out of the Ramadan saga.

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