Samo Zein celebrates Spring in Porto Al Sokhna

  • News
  • 08:07 AM - 17 April 2012
  • 1 photo

Porto Al Sokhana welcomed singer Samo Zein for the Spring Holiday concerts where he started his concert at 6:00 pm. Samo asked the audience for one minute stand in respect for the martyrs of Egypt and Syria.The concert lasted for two hours where Samo sang a large number of his famous songs: Malaksh Dawa Beya, Araby Leya, Ana Leek, Alashan Khater Eineky and others. Samo also sang a few songs from his new album “Alward Al Ahmar – Red Roses” with the poet Tamer Hussein like “Auam Bodena” and “Madarsh Ana” that Tamer wrote for Amr Diab in his last album. During the concert, Samo introduced the talented composer and music distributor Eslam Zaky and sang with him “Leanak Maya”. “Alward Al Ahmar” will be released in the Egyptian market by the beginning of May this year.

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