Darren Aronofsky Making a film about George Washington

  • News
  • 04:15 PM - 20 April 2012
  • 1 photo

Strangely enough, Hollywood never made a film about the life of George Washington, first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797, despite his great significance in their history.This is basically because nothing really dramatic happened during his time as president unlike Ibraham Lincoln's ending for example, whose biography are to be presented in 2 films, one of them starring Daniel Day-Lewis and directed by Steven Spielberg.Darren Aronofsky is currently negotiating with Paramount Pictures to make a film about George Washington.Aronofsky promised an unprecedented biography about Washington, to be called "The General", to be written by Adam Cooper and Bill Collage.He didn't mention a specific timeline for his project as he is currently still working on "Noah", starring Russell Crowe, to be released March 2014.

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