"Om El Sabreen" producers deny getting any funding from Muslim Brotherhood

  • News
  • 03:50 PM - 22 April 2012
  • 4 photos

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Producers of "Om El Sabreen", the series discussing the life of former Muslim Brotherhood member Zeinab El-Ghazaly, denied getting any funding from the Brotherhood or that they promote any of its beliefs; assuring that the writer of the series, Ahmed Ashour, is a Naseri - loyal to Gamal Abd El Naser.The series focuses on Zeinab El-Ghazaly's life starting from her birth in 1917 to her death in 2005, which represents a great period of Egypt´s history, starting from the days when it was a monarchy and ending with the removed president Mubarak´s reign. It shows the history of the brotherhood with its intellectual and political affiliations as well as the trouble they faced in prisons among other issues; and the show reveals the negatives of Zeinab's character not only her positives.The series is starring Rania Mahmoud Yassin, Tarek El-Edesouky, Gamal Ismail and Mohamed El-Helw; and is directed by Ismail El-Hariry.

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