Hussain El Jasmi serves the World from Qatar.

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  • 02:25 PM - 13 May 2012
  • 2 photos

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Emiraty singer Hussein El Jasmi- Extraordinary UN Goodwill Ambassador- held a charity concert at Doha in Qatar where revenue gained will be dedicated to the UN World Food organization. This concert which was organized by the Qatari Olympics 2020 Committee also aims to serve in educating children in the Middle East. El Jasmi expressed his delight to be able to serve the world and humanity in all ways possible. He is also there to support Qatar in welcoming the Olympics in 2020 where he believes that it will be a very successful event.Many Arabic stars participated in this concert-which took place on a theater custom made on Qatar Sports Club Stadium, as it started with Tamer Hosni, Moroccan singer Asmaa Limnwaer, Qatari singer Fahd Al Kabisy, young singer Hala Al Turk and El Jasmi was last to sing. Al Jasmi sang two songs:" La Teqarenny – Don't Compare me" and "Dari Qatar – My Home is Qatar" that was highly welcomed by the audience especially when children went up the stage next to him holding Qatar flags.

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