Today: Sister Teresa in 6th October hospital.

  • News
  • 01:58 PM - 22 May 2012
  • 1 photo

The cast of the new series "Sister Teresa" will be shooting scenes today at the 6th October hospital between lead actress Hanah Turk and co-actors Rania Al Khawaga, Wael Alaa and Abdel Rahim Hassan. The scenes revolve around the illness of Sister Tereas who gets hospitalized and her friends go and visit her. Shooting should take just one day.Also, came to know that director Hossam El Gohari is still working on this series and wasn't replaced due to his illness like what was being said lately."Sister Teresa" should be released in Ramadan this year and is written by Belal Fadl, produced by "Radio One" and also stars Ahmed Flokas, Safaa Galal, Amira Hani, Samira Mohsen, Sami El Adl, Ashraf Muselhi and Tareq El Desouqi.

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