With Pictures: Is it the end of Batman in "The Dark Knight Rises"?

  • News
  • 03:57 PM - 27 May 2012
  • 6 photos

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It might be the end that everyone has feared and never dared to make it in a superhero movie before! We will not be exaggerating if we thought that "The Dark Knight Rises" will carry the end of Batman, a superhero that always saved the people of Gotham from all venoms that threatened their security. It seems that the chaos plan that was set by the Joker four years ago will return again with a new villain which is the strongest that Batman ever faced.It is true that director Christopher Nolan and lead Christian Bale said it will be their last Batman movie ever; but the promotional campaign has made all fans believe it will the end of Batman as well! As the trailer and the posters released a few weeks ago focused on Bane, the enemy played by Tom Hardy, where he seemed much stronger than Batman and looked different from any other opponent he faced before. After all, this could be "The End of the Legend"!

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