Ismailia International Festival announces the values of its awards

  • News
  • 11:29 PM - 29 May 2012
  • 7 photos

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Administration for Ismailia International Festival for short films and documentaries announced the values of awards for its 15th edition as follows; 3000 dollars for the first place and 2000 dollars for the second place. The same goes for all the categories whether it was short or long documentaries or short films.The revolution oriented films got the biggest share as well as other various films such as "El etaha bel taghya", "Boulaq", "El Tahwra khabar", "El awda ela el midan", "El shahid wl midan", "Hamlet", "Gobbel", "Shadow of the man", "The boy in the bubble" and "The cloud".The festival starts on the 23rd of June and ends on the 28th, with more than 240 films contributing whether Arab or European.

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