Robert Pattinson is not a part of "The hunger games 2"

  • News
  • 12:38 PM - 29 May 2012
  • 1 photo

Robert Pattinson denied the rumors that he would be participating in "Catching fire", the second part of "The hunger games". Those rumors came from the fact that Francis Lawrence will be directing it, who worked with Pattinson before in "Water for Elephants".He said he woke up one day to read about rumors of him joining the film, so he asked his agent who told him he wasn't asked for any role in the film.Pattinson has announced lately that from now on he will be working in important films with great directors away from teenage films, starting with "Cosmopolis" with director David Cronenberg."The hunger games" was shown last March and earned 396 million dollars so far, starring Jennifer Lawrence.

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