The Formula Mundi Filmfest 2012 launches 12 June

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  • 02:26 PM - 2 June 2012
  • 1 photo

The organizing committee of the Formula Mundi Film Festival announced the opening ceremony on 12 June in DAAD Center in Zamalek, Cairo. This year's edition theme is "reflect, evolve, creat". The final list of the participating films will be announced on 8 June and the program will be revealed shortly. The Jury consists of director Ahmed Abdallah, Yosra El Lawzy, critic Joseph Fahim, Mexican director and screenwriter Alejandro Sesma, Prof. Beate Ehrmann and Japanese director Soraya Umewaka.The Formula Mundi Film Festival cares for documentaries, Short Feature Films and experimental shots where filmmakers from all over the world observe and analyze closely the changing environments we all live in whether economic, disasters or significant political changes that effect the dynamo of our lives.

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