Bill Clinton nominates George Clooney to be the American President.

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  • 10:31 AM - 4 June 2012
  • 1 photo

In his interview with CNN; former US president Bill Clinton said he would prefer George Clooney to play him in any biopic that might be made about him in the future. He thought that Brad Pitt was too handsome to portray him and that Clooney is closer looking to him. Clinton was impressed with George’s role in “The Descendants” where he played a role of a husband who discovers his wife’s infidelity while she was dying. He thought his performance was so believable and real. The former president was asked about who would be suitable to portray his wife Hilary, so he answered immediately Meryl Streep. On another note, Clinton’s favorite films are “High Noon” production of 1952 and “Casablanca” as he never gets enough of watching it.

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