Emma Watson is on board of "Noah"s arch.

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  • 04:10 PM - 8 June 2012
  • 1 photo

After recently adding Douglas Booth and Logan Lerman to the cast of Darren Aronofsky's "Noah" to portray Noah's two sons Sam and Ham; it was announced yesterday that Harry Potter's Emma Watson has hopped on board as well. According to Deadline, Emma is to play the role of a girl who falls in love with Sam. Till date, Aronofsky is still filling the part of "Noah"s wife but has two nominees for the role: Julianne Moore of Jennifer Connelly."Noah" was written to the screen by Aronofsky and John Logan and is adapted from the biblical epic about God's messenger "Noah" who is played by Russell Crow and filming should start next August in New York and Iceland to be ready in March 2014.

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