Hassan Marzouq refuses to accuse Al Jazeera of producing "specific type" of documentaries

  • News
  • 05:43 PM - 26 June 2012
  • 1 photo

"Arab Spring" symposium was held yesterday during 15th annual Ismaila International Film Festival in cooperation with Al Jazeera documentary to discuss the making of documentaries before and after Arab revolutions.Hassan Marzouqy, editor in chief of Al Jazeera documentary, led the symposium that included three discussion points: 1. "Overlook on production of documentaries before revolutions", in which the topic of accusing Al Jazeera of producing documentaries to serve its own interests was put on the table, but was refused by Marzouqy as he didn't want to discuss it further.2. A discussion about "Revolution documentaries".3. "New horizons" in which they discussed future prospects of documentary film making.

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