With Pictures: Naomi Watts is Lady Diana.

  • News
  • 09:39 PM - 2 July 2012
  • 4 photos

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British-born actress Naomi Watts has changed her looks completely to match the looks of the late princess Lady Diana. Watts is portraying the princess in a new film entitled “Caught in Fire” which will hit theaters in 2013. Splash website has released exclusive photos of Watts in her new look.“Caught in Fire” takes place in the last two years of Diana’s life before she passed away in the famous Parisian car accident in August 1997. The film focuses on some love affairs in her life including her relationship with the Pakistani heart surgeon “Hasnat Khan”. It is directed by the German Oliver Hirschbiegel who was very pleased with the meeting between Watts and Prince William at his private club to obtain as many personal details about Lady Dy as possible and how she affected the British Royal family.

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