The cast and crew of the new sitcom "Arousa Yaho" has finished shooting all thirty episodes and is ready to air in Ramadan. According to producer Mohamed Aboul Azm, he is hoping to have more parts of the sitcom in the years ahead.The sitcom which is directed by Hesham Atwa and written by Enas Bakr is about a man looking for a wife that is not different than his mother so he ends up meeting a different bride every day. Eventually, he marries a girl who was next to him all the time but he was too busy to notice her. Through the comedy events, the sitcom discusses many social and youth problems. "Arousa Yaho" is the first leading role for Edward who co-stars with Mai Selim, Mona Helal, Abdel Rahman Abou Zahra, Sherine, Badreya Tolba, Ahmed Halawa and TV anchor Tamer Shaltout.The sitcom is co-produced by Media Production City and Edward sings the theme song with Mai Selim and Mona Helal.