The cast and crew of the new series "Al Ekhwa Al Adaa – The Enemy Brotthers" will travel to Porto El Sokhna on Monday to shoot the last outdoor scenes of the series. Shooting will last four days and director Mohamed El Naqly decided to shoot the police chase scenes on the Ein Sokhna highway. El Naqly has finished the last indoor scenes which took place in Al Wafaa Villa in Al Saleeba and in an apartment in Maadi. Those scenes were for Menna Fadaly, Ahmed Rezq and Randa Al Behairy and for Ahmed Rezq, Salah El Sadaani and Sherif Helmy the writer/actor."Al Ekhwa Al Adaa" also stars Fathi Abdel Wahab, Yasser Galal and Leqaa Al Khamisy.