Osama Raouf and "Khaled Saeed" are on hold for actors to be done with Ramadan.

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  • 11:31 PM - 21 July 2012
  • 1 photo

Director Osama Raouf declared to that he is awaiting for some actors to finish shooting their scenes in Ramadan dramas to resume shooting his new film "Khaled Saeed".Osama has finished shooting only one day which was the anniversary of Khaled's death in his house in Alexandira. He added that there is a surprise and was very discreet about it."Khaled Saeed" is written by Tareq El Badawy and stars Tayseer Fahmi and Miss Egypt Engy Abdallah.On the other hand, Osama has a comedy that is currently showing on TV during Ramadan entitled "Dostour Nemaat" and stars Eman El Sayyid, Yasser El Tokhy and Mohamed Ali El Din.

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