23 new character posters for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn-2

  • News
  • 04:21 PM - 25 July 2012
  • 1 photo

Summit Entertainment released 23 new character posters for the 2nd part of "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" which is the fifth and last part of the famous Twilight sequel.This part takes on after Bella is turned into a vampire and has her child "Renesmee" s with vampire Edward Cullen. Instead of enjoying her new life and powers; Bella is forced to fight for her daughter's life along with the Cullens after she is put into danger resulted by false allegation that she is vampire as well. After the Volturi announce their determination to kill the child and all members of the Cullen family; in return, the Cullens allied with other vampire clans to witness that the child is mortal. The posters show different characters of the film starting from the Cullens, Dinaly clan which will have a great role in rescuing "Renesmee" along with seven other characters from different vampire clans including an Egyptian, Irish and a Romanian. The film which is expected to be released in Egypt by United Motion Pictures, is directed by Bill Condon and stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner.To see the posters, click here:

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