Iran might pull out from Venice Film Festival.

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  • 07:41 PM - 1 August 2012
  • 1 photo

After the European Union intentions to apply economical and oil sanctions on Iran; in return Iran threatened to boycott the 68th Venice International Film Festival which is taking place from 29 August to 8 September.In a statement published in the Tehran Times, Alireza Sajjadpur, a representative of Iran’s Minister of Culture, said, “Considering that the European Union has imposed the most inhumane and illegal sanctions against Iran, we are naturally considering a plan to boycott the festival this year.”Iranian film "The Paternal House" by Kianoosh Ayari was to screen in the "Horizon"'s side bar in the festival. As for "At Any Price", by the American director of Iranian descent Ramin Baharani, it is competing for Venice's Golden Lion award in the competition.

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