Egyptian Filmmakers on mobile screens for the youth.

  • News
  • 11:46 PM - 7 August 2012
  • 1 photo

The organizing committee of the "Cinemoblie Film Festival" announced opening the door for applicants to send their films recorded via mobile.This is the first festival from this kind in Egypt, so filmmakers decided to support the young directors and writers in this new technique of filmmaking by recording their advices on short videos submitted on the festival's website. Actor Khaled Abu El Naga, producer Mohamed Hefzi and director Amr Salama joined the workshops of the festival to guide participants and enrich their knowledge of behind the scenes of filmmaking and how to present their films in the festival.The festival has registered many films like "Kesset Samaktain – Story of Two Fish" by Mohamed Hassan and it's about a fisherman and two fish, "Insane" by Mostafa Hassouna, "Al Sayd – The Hunt" by Ali Hassan which is about the fishing hobby in Upper Egypt and many more films taken by the mobile camera and their length didn't exceed 20 minutes. The festival is organized by the Arabian Company for Cinema Production and Distribution in collaboration with Qualcomm. This festival aims to encourage young talents in presenting their visions to the world in this new technique that is spreading fast in Egypt and world-wide.

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