Warner Bros. hopes for Ben Affleck in their next superheroes film "Justice League".

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  • 03:58 PM - 9 August 2012
  • 1 photo

According to Variety.com; Warner Bros. nominated Ben Affleck to direct their upcoming superheroes film "Justice League". Just like Marvel's "The Avengers"; "Justice League" is an all superheroes assignment featuring Batman, Superman, Superwoman, Green Lantern and more comics characters. However, since Affleck has just accepted directing "The Stand" by Steven King; he might not be able to work with Warner Bros in this film after his last cooperation with them in "The Town". Affleck is awaiting the release of his third directorial experience "Argo" in 12 October, where he also acts in and takes place during the Iranian revolution where the CIA tries to free six American hostages inside Iran.

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