Elissa and Wael Kfoury star the War of the Albums.

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  • 09:14 PM - 25 August 2012
  • 1 photo

It seems that what's been said about an invisible war between Lebanese stars Elissa and Wael Kfoury about whose album is on the top of sales is true! During Elissa's last concert; Kfoury was amongst the audience where Elissa sang a song of his "Ya Hawa Roh Wa Ello" and asked him to get up on stage and sing with her but Kfoury didn't. Staying in his seat and wording the song; Elissa asked again and yet he refused again! Some say Kfoury's new album is on top of sales and according to Lebanon Virgin Mega Stors; Elissa's is on top.Either or, Elissa was said to be the link between Rotana and Kfoury as she attended the signing of his contract with them.

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