With pictures: Elissa celebrates her new album with Egyptian fans in Cairo Stadium.

  • News
  • 01:52 PM - 1 September 2012
  • 7 photos

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With more than 10,000 fans and for two hours; Lebanese singer Elissa celebrated her new album "Asaad Wahda" in the Hockey field at Cairo Stadium in a concert organized by Walid Mansour and sponsored by Mobinil and Rotana.Elissa sang many of her old songs like "Khod Balak Alayya", "Tesada Bemeen", "Ya Alem", "Bitmoon", "Salimlee Alaih" and a group from her new album which was released in June like "Rohteloo", "Haylif yelif", "Asaad Wahda", "Saat" and "Tebt Mennak".

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